C O N T A C T   F O R M:

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for daily updates and specials!

R E S T A U R A N T   H O U R S:

MONDAY         11AM - 7PM
TUESDAY        11AM - 7PM
FRIDAY            11AM - 7PM
SATURDAY      11AM - 7PM
SUNDAY          Closed

L I C K I T Y   S P L I T

Dining - Food Truck - Catering - Event Venue - Escape Room - Dinner Theatre

​209 East Main St, New Holland, PA 17557

Restaurant: 717.354.4986

Email: LickitySplit@LickitySplit.info

A T T E N T I O N: 
For daily updates, schedule changes, or specials, check our Facebook Page or call the restaurant at 717-354-4986

Ice Cream Truck? Yep, we've got one for your next event!

A True "Mom & Pop" Shop

We are proud to welcome you into our family friendly old-time ice cream parlor and sandwich shoppe! 

Mitch and Gina Dissinger, owners of Lickity Split, are passionate about many things, two of which are food and New Holland. So when the opportunity presented itself to open a restaurant in a historic building in downtown New Holland, they jumped at the chance. 

After five months of hard work renovating their section of the old Kauffman's Hardware building, Lickity Split opened it's doors to the public in June of 2010.

Best atmosphere
Lickity Split Restaurant Guru

A B O U T   U S

Lickity Split Restaurant Guru

Easily place an order online for now or the future and pay here!

I C E   C R E A M   T R U C K    E V E N T S:
Follow the Lickity Split Truck on Facebook for events!

 E V E N T S:
Friday, February 28, 2025

Mystery Theatre + Food
at Lickity Split Down Under

Tickets available HERE

​Join our VIP email list to be notified of upcoming events

Rent one of our event spaces or let us cater your next off-site event.


Be the first to hear about new ice cream flavors, seasonal offers, holiday meals, special events, and get a free sundae for your birthday.


​R E S T A U R A N T

View our lunch, dinner & dessert menus.

I C E  C R E A M  T R U C K

F E A T U R E D   E V E N T S